Happy Hounds Playground is a membership dog park located at 2448 Pond Road in Wildwood, MO nestled on 10 acres of some of the most beautiful land in the area. This dog park features completely fenced in small and large dog area that opens at dawn and closes at dusk, has playground equipment & splash pads for both large and small dogs, a beautiful nature/ walking trail, and a swimming pond featuring a regulation size dock for dock diving and a beach area for pets and pet parents to sun themselves. Happy Hounds also features organized play dates for similar size, play styles and energy levels. There is also a paw washing station so that there are now dirty paws going home in cars. What a great place for you and your dog to enjoy open space, fresh air, exercise and socialization with your dog able to be off leash the entire time. As the folks at Happy Hounds say “ It’s time for you to have a happy hound!”