There’s BIG NEWS in the Economic Development Plan for St. Charles, MO. David Leezer, the City’s Economic Development Director, recently participated in a number of site consultant call trips. These trips are part of the departments “new strategy” not only new businesses but also for attracting people from other cities to consider moving to St. Charles for employment.
In early May of this year, David Leezer joined Patick McKeehan of O’Fallon, MO and Lori Becklenberg of the St. Louis Missouri Chamber of Commerce to meet with site consultants in Atlanta, GA. Mr. Leezer also participated in two separate consultant trips. The first trip was to Columbus Ohio and the second to Indianapolis, IN. Both trips were hosted by the Missouri Partnership and Mr. Dennis Pruitt their Vice President. Then a few weeks later, David Leezer joined the Partnership’s Senior Vice President, Subash Alias for meeting with site consultants in Pittsburgh, PA and Cleveland, OH. David Leezer said “the trips established a first great step for the program’s new recruitment effort.” He continued by saying “Insuring the St. Charles brand was our primary purpose and we accomplished that task”.
This was indeed a great first step in a new direction for the Economic Development Plan to grow our area by attracting new businesses and new well qualified workers to our community. Anyone who follows the Economic Development of St. Charles and the St. Charles County region has heard David Leezer say “If it’s happening, it’s happening in St. Charles.” These trips put Missouri on the path to become the Best In the Midwest.
We at Blanton Construction are always very excited in fostering new business and a qualified workforce in our community and we applaud the Economic Development Department of St. Charles for their